Property Taxes

All property owners pay taxes to the Village. Income from property tax covers the costs of Village services and school boards. Property owners must pay tax even if they don't use all the services provided.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has created a toolkit to help property owners better understand how their property taxes are calculated. Please visit the MPAC website for more information.

Tax Bills

Two property tax bills are mailed out each year, one in mid-March (interim tax bill, due the middle of April) and the second in mid-September (final tax bill, due the middle of October).

Please Note: Property owners of newly created properties, or properties that have had changes that were not accounted for on the interim or final bills, may receive a separate bill(s). These are called supplementary or omitted tax bills. Several bills may be received, based on when MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation) provides assessment information to the Village.

Payment Options

  • Website Payments with Credit or Debit Card

    Property owners can now pay with debit or credit cards online through the Village of Sundridge Payment Page (via Plastiq). A 1.55% fee applies to credit card payments. There is no fee for debit card payments.

    *The payment page will indicate a 2.90% fee will be charged. Please note you will only be charged the 1.55% fee.

    Please note your Account Number is your 19 digit roll number which can be found in the top-left corner of your Tax Bill. “494800000XXXXXX0000”. If your roll number does not begin with "4948", your property is not located in the Village of Sundridge. Please contact the municipal office prior to making payments if you have questions regarding your property location.

    Please be certain all information entered into the payment page is correct to ensure your payment is applied to the intended property. If you own more than one property in the Village of Sundridge, please make a separate payment for each property.

  • In Person

    Property Owners can pay in person at the Municipal Office located at 110 Main Street Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Payment options include cash, cheque, or credit/debit cards. Please note a 1.5% fee applies to credit card payments.

  • Online Banking/Telephone Banking

    Property owners can use online or telephone banking using the information below:

    Payee: “Corporation of the Village of Sundridge”

    Account Number: 19 digit roll number found on your tax bill without spaces: 


Tax Certificates


Tax Certificate requests can be submitted to the Municipal Office by email at or by fax at 705-384-7874. A $50.00 fee applies per roll number. Please allow 3-5 business days for a response.

Property Assessments


The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for assessing all property in Ontario.

The following videos will help you understand how MPAC assesses a property and how property taxes are calculated.

 How MPAC Assesses Property

How Your Property Tax is Calculated

Accurate property assessment is the basis for fair property taxation and ensures everyone in your community pays their fair share of property taxes. You want your assessed value to be accurate.

Use MPAC's AboutMyProperty tool to access property details and compare your assessment to similar properties in the community.

Call MPAC at 1-866-296-6722 to appeal your property's assessed value if you feel that it's incorrect.

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