
Looking to become a part of the Village team?

The Village of Sundridge is committed to diversity and inclusivity in employment and welcomes applications from qualified individuals of diverse backgrounds. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Village of Sundridge will provide accommodations throughout the recruitment, selection and/or assessment process to applicants with disabilities. If selected for an interview, please inform our office of the nature of any accommodation(s) that you may require in respect of any materials or processes used to ensure your equal participation.

Collection of Personal Information

Personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for employment assessment purposes only.

Job Opportunities

Job openings are posted on this site as they become available.

  • Administrative Assistant - 18 Month Contract

    The Village of Sundridge requires one temporary contract Administrative Assistant

    Please submit your written application in a sealed envelope marked 

    “Administrative Assistant - Contract”

    no later than 3:00 p.m. Thursday March 27, 2025 


    The Village of Sundridge

    PO Box 129

    Sundridge ON P0A 1Z0

    (705) 384-5316

    In person at 110 Main Street, 

    Or by email to

    Job Description

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