Newsletter - Summer 2023

August 4, 2023

Message from Council

We hope that everyone is having a safe and enjoyable summer season in Sunny Sundridge.

We are quickly approaching the mark of our first year as a council, and over the course of this

year we have worked together on our first budget as a team. We have endeavored to create

this year's budget in the best interest of our constituents in a strategic and diligent manner,

with the appreciated effort of staff. During the final months of 2022 and beginning of 2023

many major projects in our community were completed such as: The addition of Elgin Park on

Edgar Street, renovations to the Sundridge & District Medical Centre, and renovations to the

Sundridge-Strong Joly arena along with the rehabilitation of Robert Street, Lang Court, the

paving of the shoulder on Paget Street and the slurry seal application on twelve other road

surfaces. Some of these projects were completed with the help of provincial and federal


In 2023, we have experienced an increase in levies, such as Eastholme, Land Ambulance, Health

Unit, Social Services, and Policing. Due to this impact on our budget, we have decided to finish

this year without new projects and focus on planning for next year. The rate of inflation has

dramatically increased, reported to be around 6.7% at the beginning of this year. We have done

our best to keep the tax rate increase around the rate of inflation and as such, approved the

budget with a 6.4% increase. Historically, councils have tried to keep the tax rate 1% higher than


We understand that this is a significant increase and if anyone would like to discuss it further,

please do not hesitate to reach out to council or staff. We encourage everyone to attend the

council meetings, which are open to the public, and to also attend our town hall sessions that

provide an opportunity for constituents to speak to council members. You can find the dates

and times of these meetings on our website, posted on bulletin boards in the community or by

calling the municipal office.

Please download the newsletter below for a breakdown of the 2023 budget.

Download a PDF of the Full Newsletter

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